Blue Blue Blue at Museum of Natural History 2010
“With Walker in Nicaragua” by Ernesto Cardenal (selected for the New York Poetry Festival 2017)
visuals for KenYa Kawaguchi
friend of the night (shown at The Dome at PS1/MoMA)
projections for snaky hut, Flamboyant Theater 2015
Coney Island Mandala-site specific, Coney Island amphitheater 2011
Transformer lady 2010, Ear to Earth Festival 2011
“Love Poem” (shown at Theatre for the New City)
pennies from heaven, Chase Bank Dumbo 2010
Nowhere 2 (music by Lou Rossi, audio generated visuals)
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Bright Air, 2010 music by David McChesney
old can factory with Share
The Blood of Others (selected for the New York Poetry Festival 2017)
LAUDS, Lea Bertucci & Megan Moncrief
Harvestworks Solo Show. “The Problem of Memory” – 2013 audio activated installation/ pre and live recorded loops
deer audio activated with traffic sounds
Paper Bird, audio activated; bird made out of paper and matte medium; flying over the materials that it was made out of