The Man from Eritrea
Interactive projections, paintings, and scrolling projections of a word-for-word conversation I had with Dawit Kahsay as he described his travels from Eritrea, Africa, to Texas.

Scrolling projection plays throughout the night, every night,  7 PM — 7 AM.

Physical paintings and motion-activated animations (illustrating his journey) surround the scrolling projection. EV Gallery 621 East 11th St New York, NY 10009.  July 1 2021—August 30th 2021


In May I visited Casa Marianella a shelter for refugees in Austin Texas, where I interviewed several of the residents.  Here is where I met Dawit Kahsay, a refugee from Eritrea, who was the inspiration for this piece.
Dawit did not want his image recorded, so just the words he said are projected in the gallery window.  his voice can be heard through headphones. In binded books,his narration is provided as written text——download: narration Dawit Kahsay.   
7pm–7am scrolling narration

description of the installation
Yoshiko Chuma dances at opening
Yoshiko Chuma dances at opening
Jack Edward Martin performs at the opening.
Jack Edward Martin performs at the opening.
Zlata Berman, Esq gives a talk on refugee law
Zlata Berman, Esq gives a talk on refugee law
“Border Lands” oil on wood 12×16 2020
“Border wall at night” oil on panel 9×12 2021
Border Wall, sunrise. oil on panel 9x12 2021
“Border Wall, sunrise”. oil on panel 9×12 2021
“and also with you #1” watercolor and gouache on paper 14 x16 2021
The Man from Eritrea was the first offering from
“…and also with you”: a NYFA Artist Corp funded, multi-platform project, which creates documentaries, paintings, motion-activated projections, and immersive installations based on the personal stories of refugees and immigrants.
still from projection