Drowned Horse 2016 watercolor on paper 9×15
Devil on horsback
Devil on horseback 2019 mixed media 27X44

horse study, Granada 

“Bird and Wolf”


Blue Blue Blue at Museum of Natural History 2010

nest 2011



Drowned Horse.  http://movingpoems.com/filmmaker/miah-artola/Moving Poetry

“With Walker in Nicaragua” by Ernesto Cardenal  (selected for the New York Poetry Festival 2017)

The Blood of Others (selected for the New York Poetry Festival 2017)

Paper Bird, audio activated; bird made out of paper and matte medium; flying over the materials that it was made out of

Coney Island Mandala-site specific, Coney Island amphitheater 2011 

Storm with Animals, – 2008

Tracked Pastures

Error! You must specify a value for the Video ID, Width, Height and Anchor parameters to use this shortcode!

Breaking Apart

deer audio activated with traffic sounds

animal wallpaper 4ft x4.5 ft acrylic on vinyl
blue with two birds 2013 watercolor and charcoal



hoses of the apocalypse 2017 7 ft x 4 ft
hoses of the apocalypse 2017 7 ft x 4 ft

horse 2, charcoal onpaper, 12×9 2015

“blind horse portrait” 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016


three red deers in forest acrylic and charcoal on paper, 8ftx3 ft, 2018
three red deers in forest acrylic and charcoal on paper, 8ftx3 ft, 2018

the drowned horse” charcoal on paper 6 x 9 inches
“blind horse portrait” 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016
“blind horse portrait” 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016


“horse portrait” 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016








bird sculpture

Ghost deers 2016 watercolor and pastel on paper 24×14
two deers 5ft x 2.5 ft wallpaper acrylic on vinyl


two men in animal masks 2018Acrylic on paper. 24x18
two men in animal masks 2018Acrylic on paper. 24×18


birds watercolor 8×10



Dear on fire, watercolor on paper 24 x28
“wings not on”



ink on tin 2018


deers in landscape watercolor and charcoal on paper 11×17
Animal wallpaper acrylic on vinyl