"wings not on, 2012 " scultpure

wing sculpture, paper, charcoal, acrylic; 2014

"non confrontational" charcoal, water color, ink drawing with photo 3
“non confrontational” 2012  water color, ink drawing with photo#3 36×24
“defense” charcoal, water color, ink drawing with photo 3
“protection” charcoal, water color, ink drawing with photo 3


Ghost deers 2016 watercolor and pastel on paper 24×14


Painting: "ship wrecked"
ship at sunset 2001 oil on wood 2.5 ft x 4 ft


horse portrait 2016 charcoal on paper 18 x 25
Drowned Horse 2016 watercolor on paper 9×15


two in sunshine portrait, pen on paper 13×16 2012
"blind horse portrait" 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016
“blind horse portrait 2” 18 x 25 charcoal on paper 2016


“and also with you 12 ” man carrying child; oil on panel, 12 x12, 2021
Women waiting on line, watercolor and gouache on paper 14 x16 (part of my immigrant and refugee project), 2021

Pope washing the feet of refugees
pope washing the feet of refugees #2 watercolor on paper 11 x 18
pope washing the feet of refugees #2 watercolor on paper 11 x 18
pope washing the feet of refugees #2 watercolor on paper 11 x 18


Animal Wallpaper Horses of the apocalypse . Acrylic on vinyl 61/2 ft by 4 ft
Animal wallpaper acrylic on vinyl4x3 ft
the drowned horse" charcoal on paper 6 x 9 inches
the drowned horse” charcoal on paper 6 x 9 inches
1 horse sketch





link to border wall paintings March 2020

Animal wallpaper acrylic on vinyl 4×5 ft










worshipped king 8.5 x 11
worshipped king 1996
8.5 x 11


L Train 5pm
L Train 5PM
39 x 50, oil on wood


L Train 9 AM drawing 24 x 36
L Train 9 AM 1997
24 x 36
Ship at Sea from "storm series" Oil on Canvass 32 x 48
Ship at Sea from “storm series” Oil on Canvass 1997
32 x 48
red landscape, 4×7 ft oil on canvass

(oil painting) “shipwrecked” from Storm Series 1996

Green Landscape
Green Landscape 1994
La Lucha
Leaping Monkey from Monkey Series 1993


chocolate bra 5 x 2.5 ft
chocolate bra 1993
5 x 2.5 ft
“Bed” from Dream Series 1993
bird on wire
bird on wire 1994
women on line
women on line from People doing things series 1994



2 mona lisas, oil on canvass 6 x 9 ft
2 mona lisas, oil on canvass 6 x 9 ft
fallen angel
fallen angel from Angel Series 1992
 L Train 10PM oil on paper
Train 10PM 1996


Sleeping King oil on wood 7x3.5 feet
Sleeping King 1997
oil on wood
7×3.5 feet
(oil paint on wood) heaven and earth from Landscape Series
(oil paint on wood) heaven and earth from Landscape 1992
Red Boxers
Red Boxers 1997
death row angel 5 X 7